The God Of War

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  1. Which of the following is NOT a weapon that Kratos receives from the gods in the course of the game?
    • Blade of Artemis
    • Army of Hades
    • Apollo's Fire
    • Medusa's Gaze
    • The god Apollo does not appear in the game. The Army of Hades allows you to summon the souls of the dead to attack your enemies, Medusa's Gaze (given by Aphrodite) allows you to turn your enemies to stone, and the Blade of Artemis is an alternative weapon
  2. Which of these monsters from Greek mythology does NOT appear in the game?
    • Hydra
    • Sphinx
    • Satyr
    • Siren
    • The sphinx (a lion with a woman's head, that asks riddles) does not appear in the game. The Hydra (a multi headed monster) is a boss in the first level. Satyrs (half man, half goat) appear in the upper levels of Pandora's Temple, and Sirens (woman-like mo
  3. If you fight a Minotaur, and weaken it enough, you can press the Circle Button to enter a mini game where you rapidly press the Circle Button to bring Kratos's blades into the Minotaur's mouth and kill it. What do you get if you kill the Minotaur this way?
    • Green orbs (that replenish health)
    • Red orbs (that give experience)
    • Blue orbs (that replenish magic)
    • A Phoenix Feather
    • For most monsters, you gain red experience orbs when you kill them with or without using the Circle Button mini game. Killing a Gorgon using a mini game (where you twist the Analog Stick in a particular direction) will get you blue magic orbs. Phoenix Fea
  4. Before he can defeat Ares, Kratos must find Pandora's Box hidden within Pandora's Temple. Where is Pandora's Temple?
    • In the Desert of Lost Souls, chained to the back of Kronos the Titan
    • In the Desert of Lost Souls, standing among the bones of Kronos the Titan
    • On the slopes of Mount Olympus, beyond the Desert of Lost Souls
    • In the Desert of Lost Souls, carried in the arms of Kronos the Titan
    • Or to be more exact, the temple is on top of a mountain which is chained to the back of Kronos. The game's manual explains that after Zeus took over from Kronos as ruler of Olympus, he punished Kronos by having him wander through the Desert of Lost Souls
  5. Who is Pathos Verdes III?
    • Kratos's father
    • The architect of Pandora's Temple
    • The mayor of Athens
    • The body burner outside Pandora's Temple
  6. In the American version of the game, Kratos must sacrifice a living soldier in a cage to pass through a door in Pandora's Temple. In the European version, this part of the game is changed. In what way?
    • When sacrificed, the soldier simply drops out of sight rather than being consumed in flames
    • An Undead Warrior is sacrificed instead of a soldier
    • The actual sacrifice occurs offscreen
    • There is no sacrifice at all in the European version
  7. What do you get if you find the two Muse Keys in Pandora's Temple?
    • Access to the upper levels of the temple
    • Upgrades of health, magic and experience
    • A new magical weapon from the gods - the Blade of the Titans
  8. When Kratos begins the Challenge of Hades, he has to make blood sacrifices on Hades's altars to proceed. What monster or monsters does he sacrifice?
    • Centaurs
    • IDK
    • Undead Warriors
  9. What happens to Kratos at the end of the game?
    • He is fatally wounded in the battle with Ares and dies
    • He replaces Ares as the god of war
  10. If you beat the game, one of the unlockables you get is a Character Graveyard, featuring models for Kratos and various monsters that were not used in the final game. There are quite a few unused models for the Cyclops here - which of the following is NOT one of them?
    • A Cyclops with four arms, carrying four clubs, which was too difficult to animate
    • A Cyclops with a bright red eye, to make it clear that it only has one eye
    • A Cyclops carrying lots of human skulls on its chest, which felt "too much like an action figure"

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