Realistic zombie survival guide
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- How many zombie movies have u seen?
- none
- 1-2
- 3-4
- 5-6
- 7-8
- all
- you need to know alot about zombies!!!
- what experience do you have in firearms?
- None
- military
- police
- sporting
- hunting
- target shooting
- how many guns do you own
- none
- 1-2
- 3-5
- 6-10
- 11-20
- 21-9000!
- of these what would you prefer?
- AK-47
- M4 Carbine
- MP5
- Mossberg 500
- AK-74u
- M40A3
- Favorite type of gun?
- Sub Machine
- Snipers
- Assult Rifles
- Machine Guns
- Shotguns
- Pistols
- What would be an ideal place to hide out?
- Your House
- A Mall
- Grocery Store
- Friends House
- Military Base
- Skyscraper
- How many People would you bring in your Survivor Group?
- Just 1
- 5
- 10
- 15
- 30
- As many as i can find.
- What would be the first thing you do when you go into a house you will make as your hide out?
- Sit down and relax
- clean yourself/Gun
- Use the Restroom
- Treat a would
- Search for Zombies/Survivors
- Search for Zombies/Survivors , then start to Barricade the windows and doors then the others Will set up a perimeter
- What is your physical condition?
- Obese
- Athletic
- Average
- Chubby
- Skinny
- Body Builder
- Do you know your areas land layout?
- Yes
- No
- Just moved
- type of home?
- Apartment
- 1 story House
- 2 story House
- 1 story with attic
- 2 story with attic
- other...
- Do you have a Disaster plan?
- Yes
- No
- Do you know what you would do if zombies started attacking?
- Yes
- No
- Maybe...
- No idea...
- If your House gets overrun what will you do now?
- Run!!!!!!
- Fall back in your designated Spot you planned ahead
- Drive Away
- Go Crazy!!!
- No idea...
- Something...
- What type of person are you?
- Leader
- Follower
- slacker
- The Smart one
- The dumb one
- The one who dies first.
- Where do you get your news from?
- Online
- Cable news
- newspaper
- word of mouth
- Radio
- I Don't
- What type of food would you stockpile?
- Canned goods
- Fresh Fruit and Vegtables
- Chips!
- Frozen foods
- Whatever is good
- Do you have the supplies Readily Available to be able to barricade your home?
- Yes
- No