Hi guys! I know it's a long time since I was on here and I'm. Truly sorry but it's been stressful so I didn't really have time and the internet. Is. Erratic and my mom's phone isn't really working. But here I am now. Now please. Help me!

I have writer's block. I have it bad and I didn't know how to break it so I just went around GTQ reading other people's quizzes and hoping I'd get inspired. And it worked :D! Thank you jade Black, xxblutixx, TheRecklessBam and others for your awesome quizzes.

Created by: HIIRO

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Okay, so due to a very debilitating case of writer's block, I will not be able to continue my series The Twin.
  2. However, I will start a new quiz series called The Vampire academy.
  3. Actually. I'm debating between the vampire academy and the turning. Tell. Me what you think in comments.
  4. Reading Jade Black's series vampire peak has inspired me to start my very own vampire based story quiz series.
  5. I'm creating characters with exotic names. My character will either be called Sabrina or Lovett.
  6. And I have main male characters called lucian, Astor etc.
  7. My problem is that I have. Difficulty thinking up unusual and exotic sounding. names. Can you help me?
  8. If you can, please tell me your exotic names in the comments.
  9. If You can come up with a character description, that's cool too.
  10. Love you all :D

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