well do you kno me???

ya i only wrote this cuz the quiz maker thing told me to... GOD this paragraph HAS to be a sertian amount of letters!!! im just gonna keep on typing till im allowed to stop...but i cant yet..well when i stop typing then i guess that means that i have that number of letters!...GOD! it also just said that i cant have repeating spaces...

dito as above. but well do u guys kno me??? this also has to be a sertian amount of letters! GOSH! ANYWAYS. i love you all to death! YAY! its summer also! so thats the good thing...type, and now im done.

Created by: Rachael
  1. who are my thee best friends EVER
  2. Where did i move here from?
  3. who do i like? <333
  4. what is my favorite singer/band?
  5. what school am i going to next year?
  6. whats my ALL TIME favorite food?
  7. what sport do i play??
  8. whats my brothers name?
  9. whats my favorite animal?
  10. is this the end of the quiz???

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Quiz topic: well do I kno me???