American Presidents Quiz

While you might think that US history class you took in high school is enough to get you by in some random history trivia, think again! Take this quiz and find out how much you really know about those famous and not so famous US presidents!

Do you know as much as you would like about some of the most powerful figures in US History? If you think you do, or just want to learn a little along the way, try this quiz and see if you can make the grade!

Created by: Jessica Gridley

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. President who solidified the 2-party system, was nicknamed "the little magician", and entered the presidency facing the depression of 1837.
  2. President who previously opened a men's clothing store after serving in WWI, launched the "Fair Deal" (a series of social programs), brought the US into NATO, and decided to drop the atomic bomb on Japan.
  3. President who was known for sponsoring a bill ending the imprisonment of debtors before becoming president, ran unsuccessful for a second term with the Know-Nothing Party, signed the Compromise of 1850, and signed a treaty with Japan after 150 years of isolation.
  4. President whose first term dealt with lowering tariffs and civil service reform and in his second term dealt with the Panic of 1893.
  5. Became the first serving Vice President since Van Buren to be elected directly to the Presidency.
  6. President who unsuccessfully ran for the governor of Indiana twice, passed the Silver Bill Act of 1890, supported the modernization of the Navy, and lost his second presidential election to the man he had previously defeated.
  7. The thirty-first president who was dubbed the "Great Engineer", he believed the Great Depression would work itself out and thus took little action to alleviate it, also pursued the Good Neighbor Policy towards Latin America.
  8. President who was shot to death after a few months as president. Fought in the Union Army and continued to exercise the patronage system. Lingered 11 weeks before dying on September 19, 1881.
  9. Name the only ex-President to serve in the US House of Representatives.
  10. Known for his liberal social ideas, he had previously run a peanut-farming business, gave full pardon to Vietnam draft evaders, failed in his dealings with the Iran hostage crisis and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Inflation and unemployment surged during his first term.
  11. The 10th president of the US, he was the first man to become president due to the death of the incumbent, popularly known as "His Accidency", he annexed Texas, strongly valued states rights.

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