If you work hard at something you will always do beter and become beter at whatever it is. Practice does always make perfect, so if u want to be beter practice.

Practice does always make perfect, so if u want to be beter practice. If you work hard at something you will always do beter and become beter at whatever it is No matter what.

Created by: Ryan Florian of
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Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the main charecters name and how old is he?
  2. Where does the story take place?
  3. What does Michael hit the robber in the head with?
  4. True or false...Micheal is a right handed pitcher?
  5. what does Michael live in?
  6. Who does Michael live with?
  7. What is the reason michael can't play baseball?
  8. What happens to michael that lets him play baseball again?
  9. How does Michael's team make the little league world seires?
  10. Where does Michael end up pitching the little league world seires at?

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