Am i bisexual or straight? for women only | Comments

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  • Sorry for random thingy but one thing: Only for women quiz- second question: what is you gender?- got me confused for a bit haha

    My reasults were Bi but mainly like man btw and I think this might be trueeee but Im not sure cuz I took this quiz cuz I thought I liked a girl but Im not sure so I am doing a lot of quizzes and stuff but I am still not sure and really really really confused!!

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  • So, for a while I've felt as if I were bi. But I just never wanted to admit it because I didn't know if it was true. I'm excepting it. I'm 13 years old and I'm bisexual. I'll have to admit. I didn't want to admit it because the whole idea of being bi scared me. But I've been talking to my friend who is bu and she has really helped me with excepting who I am. And who I am is the B in LGBTQ+

  • I'm Bisexual and so is my best friend. I've loved her for more than a year possibly 2 years and only last week did she confess to me. We're going out now, and I can't explain how happy I am. If anyone needs advice or can give me any tips on how to be a good girlfriend then please do! Thanks x

    • I hope you two are still together!

    • you are so lucky! im scared to tell my friend i like her. she's out as bi and so am i. she's such an amazing person and i love everything about her. the problem is, she talks about this guy all the time. i am a bit jealous :(

      but, she does flirt back at times, and i guess that makes me believe i have a chance..

  • My quiz says that I AM bisexual, but I'm attracted to guys more than girls... I feel that I'm attracted to girls MORE. Also, is this quarantine making ANYONE questions their sexuality? I feel unsure that I am bisexual tho. I've never kissed a girl NOR a guy, so I don't know what I would feel more from... ( But when I look at pictures of some of female youtubers, singers, actors etc, I feel more than pictures of guys... IF ANYONE feels this way can you please comment down your advice?

    • I am definitely questioning more during quarantine too XD I think it was watching the new she-ra on netflix that started it because i now have a crush on a girl from that show so im just trying to figure it out, the test said im bi but mainly like guys, which i think is fairly accurate but im still taking my time :)

    • lol same being in quarantine, ive been questioning my sexuality but i started to question about it during pride month and being away from everyone and the people i used to like i find them less attractive same with the guys on social media and finding some of the opposite sex a bit more attractive. but im still taking my time with it and really thinking about it, i have taken a few quizzes before and some say im bi, bi curious or straight. z(0~0)S

    • absolutely the same, I guess with quarantine you are just forced to spend more time with yourself and discover some hidden parts. Never kissed someone either and I am really confused right now but happy to know I´m not the only one! I wanna kiss a girl, tho. why isn´t everyone bi, would be so much easier

    • Honestly in quarantine i was learning a lot more about lgbtq+ and i started getting confused if im asexual, bisexual or if i am straight

      Chloe Sky15
  • I still don't know what I am. I'm either bisexual, pansexual or straight, I know that much, but I can't narrow it down after that... If anybody has any advice on how to figure it out you can email me at [no emails] (I have another gmail, but it includes my name anddddd you are all strangers soo yeah)

    PS:I'm 14

    • I didnt think I was till one of my friends who is bi asked me and then I started to question my sexuality and I am scared because I cant tell any of my family members or my straight friends because my parents are Christians and they hate they whole gay community and they would kick me out I dont know what to do and this test really did kinda help me

    • look I know I hard to come out though I came out as bi and a lot of people hate me like my class mate but I didn't care at all I was happy I date only men still I came out but if your family and friends love and care for you then it shouldn't matter if you are gay,bi.or any of those at all what does matter is your happiness

  • I am about 13 and have a very against LGBTQ step dad and mom, so I am very scared admitting that I dont only like guys, My best friend is straight but doesnt judge people if they are apart of the LGBTQ community, I told her I was questioning being bi, but Im certain I am know, tho I am mostly attracted to boys, I am also attracted to girls

    That Bi friend
  • i had a feeling that i was bi ever since i was a child. i keep liking pretty girls who were older than me back then. and then back in my elementary and high school days i "thought" i was straight because i had a lot of boyfriends, until i suddenly realized that i was falling for my best friend. thats why i tried this test to figured out what am i really. then its says that im bi. so yea. i've accepted it. now in college i met a fine girl who is now my girlfriend. and im happy with our relationship.

  • During quarantine i ended up watching the new She-Ra on Netflix and noticed that i've been crushing on Catra (a girl) for a little while, so now i think i might be bi-curious. Plus back when existed i used some audios to make people think i liked girls but i didn't know why, the more i think about it the more excepting i am of myself and tbh if anyone were to ask i probably wouldn't answer them because in in my opinion i like who i like and labels don't matter :)

  • I have only very recently started questioning my sexuality and have never had a crush on a specific girl but i think im bi. I have also never been in a relationship. Not sure how to deal with the situation. Do i wait and mull it over before telling anyone? What would happen if i tell people only to discover i was wrong? Any advice?

  • I have a boyfriend and I really like him, but I met a girl last summer and I felt like I could have a crush on her and she could have one on me. Im really involved in my church and I really like it, but they dont talk about the lgbtq+ community often. I dont know if I can except that I might like girls even though Ive been very supportive and excepting to my lgbtq+ friends. Im 14 and really confused.

  • I am a 13 year old girl who got got 88% Bi equally attracted to men and women. My family is Christian though and would probably kick me if they knew I was bi. I have a crush on this one girl on my class and I'm not sure if she feels the same way. I want to know if this girl likes me baxk and how to hide ot parents if I get into a f/f relationship that becomes serious. If anyone can help me email me at [no emails].

    • Hey i got a 98% in the quiz , and I'm in the same position as you my whole family is Christian also and I'm 13 too and I also like a girl but I'm also worried if I tell my family they would also kick me I tried to tell them one time and they said they were disappointed in me I don't know what to do if anyone can help me email me ( [no emails] )

      Lia Willow
    • Lia butler @ gmail . com

      Lia Willow
    • Lia butler 234 *

      Lia Willow
  • Im a 12 year old girl and im demisexual. Ive been no-curious for about 2 years now and have kept it a secret. Its hard for me to tell because ive never had a crush on a girl only guys, but when i think about marriage i can imagine both girl and a guy in two different weddings of mine. I love to write so i play episode, i always choose BI options because i dont know what to choose i do the same for every game. I think im bi but i dont know I got an 86%. if anyone can help please help!

  • I'm 13, bi, single and want to find someone (mostly girls but still like boys), But who is ever willing to chat I'm free and would love to meet anyone. My kik is YingYang2001.Skype leilani1414. And Facebook is Leilani Lopez.

    • I'm think I'm big

      My sisters are both bi and i had a big crush on a girl

  • I have a really strong feeling Im bisexual and Ive told my mum and a couple of friends but I keep doubting that I am. Before I thought I was everyone was saying they think I am bisexual and I do think some girls are really pretty but idk if I just think theyre pretty or its something more but then theres this girl that is also bisexual and we have been talking I even tried my best with makeup and a good outfit to impress her and I get happy when I see her name as well. I am also very scared of coming out in school because its very judgemental so idrk know what to do and what I am. I also feel I might not be into girls because I feel like i dont fit into any category of gays or anything however I have been in lust over a girl before too so if anyone can reply back thatll be a big help.

  • So I think I'm bi cause while I mostly like guys I have a crush on this one girl. And this quiz really helped me see that I am bi. But I dont know how to handle it and feel like I cant tell anyone I know. Im really insecure already and my best friend(a girl) says she loves me all the time but I know that she'd not be as close with me and be uncomfortable if I told her I was bi. Shed be scared that i liked her as something other than a friend, which I dont. My mom wouldn't be understanding because shes strict italo-Albanian catholic but she might still accept me. But my dad would beat me and probably disown me cause he hates anything to do with the LGBTQ community. I'm 14 and I dont know what to do, does anyone have any advice they could give me.

    • I am no expert by any means, either am I you so I don't fully know your situation, but if I were you I probably wouldn't come out until I was an adult who is financially independent from your parents. That way you would not end up out on the street or something as a teen. I am so sorry that he has this hatred towards LGBTQ. I am a Christian, and God loves all people regardless of who they love. <3

  • Sorry for random thingy but one thing: Only for women quiz- second question: what is you gender?- got me confused for a bit haha

    My reasults were Bi but mainly like man btw and I think this might be trueeee but Im not sure cuz I took this quiz cuz I thought I liked a girl but Im not sure so I am doing a lot of quizzes and stuff but I am still not sure and really really really confused!!

  • I used to date boys and have never dated any girls before and only liked boys ..but theres this girl who likes me and she even gave me a surprise gift .. my heart skipped a beat when i found out that she liked me .. i used to think of liking her since we first talked but i thought i was just joking with myself ..? But then at that time when i found out that she has a girl , i felt jealous abit .. But then she has another one so i just dun think of that feeling anymore .. but now that she likes me , im not pretty sure what to do .. tbh i did felt attracted to her ..

    • If anybody can tell me how to figure out by myself whether im bi or not .. pls feel free to reply

  • all the quizzes say I'm bi. I'm kind of an outcast at school and I've told 2 out of 3 of my best friends. one of my friends says that she is bi and I want to have like a heart to heart with her but we've just never been like that. my bi best friend is kinda cute to me and she always makes me laugh but I know she doesn't like me in that way. all my friends are really accepting but it's just kinda embarrassing to talk about in my opinion. I've never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend before and no one has ever really liked me. to be honest, I'm very lonely. I'm only 13

  • maybe im denieing it too much. cause every quiz says i am (im putting in the truth) and i am also attracted to girls as well as guys well a bit more to girls... and when i think about it the only time i think about guys is when i see them in a movie i really like and there really hot. but besides them.... uh... well no guys catch my eye... AHH!

  • Soo I'm actually bi. The thing is that I can't tell anyone in my family, they are homophobic. I like my friend Liv but we as a couple? Nahh... I also like a boy from turkey, he's just so cute and respectfully, like a boy from my's complicated

  • Story time!!! soooo all i've ever dated was guys but this year for some reason i have a feeling that i might have a crush on my bestfriend, she lesbian by the way, but the thing is that i wasn't sure if it was anything serious until i started having an open mindset about it an once that happened i ended up questioning myself what i was, i then came down to the conclusion that i was bisexual because the feelings towards my best friend kept getting stronger, sucks tho cuz i know who she likes an im nothing compared to that person. oh well :/ point is this test helped me confirm that im bisexal ;]

    • can anyone relate?

  • I think I am bi and really recently my friend admitted that she is bi and hasa girlfriend and iI now have a crush on her but I don't know if its "just a phase" or if its 4 real, I've always know I'm different but never thought I was bi... Until now....

  • Bisexual but mainly like men

    Eh, sounds about right. Guys are hotter and I usually end up being more connected to guys, but if I found a girl that was really nice and whatnot I would consider it to be honest :P

  • I'm very happy with my result, I have always had a weird feeling when it comes to if I am bi or not. This quiz actually helped me understand and made me realise that I have feelings for one of my girl best friends. Thank you so much!!

  • I've only came out bi to two of my closest friends but I dont know if Im ready to talk any of my family. I have only recently realized that I have been bi for a while but Ive never dated a girl. I have had crushes on girls and I always check girls out but I do the same to guys just at a lower level. I want to have a relationship with a girl but I dont know how to do that with out falling for a straight girl and without coming out to everybody.

    • Omg I feel the same way there's alot of good girls out they're but either they aren't interested or they're straight it's so hard!!!!

  • I really didnt expect it to show 98% bi but i guess its kinda right i mean i do talk about men and women in a romantic way wich im now realizing and i have people who are bi tell me or ask me if im bi and i ask them why and they say "cause the way you act or talk about both geneders or cause how you dress and look." So i guess im bi-


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