Am I a Lesbian? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Am I a Lesbian?
0%. Yup, that's right. I like meh some boyz! xDD lol
1% YAY!!!
59% WOW I'm bi.
59% WOW
34% cool quiz :D
43% Duh, I'm bi!
i got 66% i dont think thats good... my family would kill me lol
16% lol, i like the narrow minded comment 'ew i got 18% thas so not true i am not a lesbo!!!' how ignorant!
ROSEY1231 -
24% =T
lol. I got 52% of it. But, I'm bicarious, so maybe ^-^
I got 12% but i there are times where i feel i might as well be bi. hmm....... i need a bf. or gf. oh watever.
80%. So If I were a girl, I would be a lesbo? Well, I'm a boy and I'm bi.
50%haha wot can i say im'm not sure wot i am so it's kinda right :-P
i got 100%!lol! im a total lezbo!i have had sex with a girl about 39 times!
sexlover1 -
76% :O
66evye1 -
i have a doodle :D and i got 79%
ahahahahahahah ahahahaahahah
yeee eee babes
should i cut it off or what? roflwabadooo1 -
Sike, I'm panromantic. 👌👌👌
whaat i got 26% that's pretty big lololol impossibru how come
I am a 16 year old boy.. it says i am 83% lebian... lmao!
Tre311 -
I got 27%. Hmmm.... I don't think I'm a lez.
i feel awarkward
I Got a 61.9% I LOVEEEEEEEEE Girls.
Tay1 -
loool,i have 52 percent))))
furr23 STFU.. hu cares how old r u?
u're actually proud jus coz that u noe what a lesbian is?
SERIOUSLY get outta here..