All My Children Soap Quiz

I couldn't find another AMC Quiz that I could post to myspace so I decided to make my own ,being that I have watched the show for 42 years now...My mother and grandmother watched and now All My Children watch.It is a Family Tradition..But I didn't let my children watch until they were 17.The show is not for little minds,they will learn enough about the real world later.

Are You an "All MY CHILDREN" fan? Do you remember Erica's first husband? Take this Quiz and see how you score!Some questions are easy but there's a few only a true fan will know. See you at the end and then you will know if you are a true fan.

Created by: Cindy of
(your link here more info)
  1. Who is Susa Lucci?
  2. How did Dixie die?
  3. What is Tads nick name?
  4. WHAT IS Janet'S nickname?
  5. Who was Erica's first husband?
  6. Getting Harder... What was Trever's wife Natalie looking at when she regained her sight?
  7. Who has Autism?
  8. Who is Tad Matin's Mother?
  9. Which is NOT Adam's child?
  10. Who was Tad & Crystal's daughter (Jenny) named after?
  11. Which of Erica's husbands was an alcholic?
  12. Which have never matched ?
  13. Which one Did Erica Do?
  14. Who was Mona?

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