All about Nicky!

This is a quiz to see how well you know Nicky? So have a go and i can see how much you pay attention?! got to write some more about this and don't know what to put surely the people just wanna take the damn quiz!!

It is a quiz all about me!!! so put your thinking cap on!! don't know what else to say !! enjoy!!! apparenltly more whaffel is required so whaffel whaffel enjoy the quiz!!

Created by: Nicky
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the name of my cow?!
  2. What is my favourie colour?
  3. What is the recent addition to my car?!
  4. What is my favourite drink?
  5. when is my birthday?
  6. What film would i most likely pick?
  7. which gym do i go to?
  8. What colour is my car
  9. Whats my brothers name?
  10. How long did it take me to think of 10 questions for this survey?

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