All About Kelly in DE

How well do you know your fellow HearthKeepers? Do you know where they live? What they do? Their children's names? Their middle names? Just middle names.

See how many questions you can answer correctly! Have you been paying attention? Do you need to start taking notes? Do you need to find a life outside HK? No cheating!!!

Created by: Melissa

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Why did Kelly use the name mom2rebels as her old HK name?
  2. Why did they name Aaron Aaron?
  3. What stage of life was Kelly in when she became a Christian?
  4. What state did Kelly go to college in?
  5. Which child ALWAYS wears a hat?
  6. What kind of transportation did they take on their honeymoon?
  7. Which HKer does Maggie ADORE?
  8. What is the main color of her bedroom going to be when she's done re-decorating?
  9. Which HKer does she have a 2 degrees of knowing - like...she babysat for this HKers brother - before HK?
  10. Who did Kelly and Kevin visit in real life for the soul purpose of fixing her heater?

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