All About Annette

There are lots of folks on different internet forums. Let's see how well you can answer these questions that are just about me. They are all things I've mentioned on the forum.

Go ahead and take the quiz and see how well you really do know me. You may be in for some surprises and then again maybe not. This is really just to have some fun.

Created by: Annette

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Annette spent her high school years
  2. How many states has Annette lived in?
  3. As a little girl what did Annette want to be when she grew up?
  4. How many children did Annette want to have when she got married?
  5. What does one of her sons do for a business?
  6. What kind of home does Annette have?
  7. Which one of these things does Annette NOT enjoy doing?
  8. How many HK'ers has Annette met in real life?
  9. Which one does Annette NOT make from scratch?
  10. What is Annette's children's favorite snack?

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