Ahhhhhh zombies!!! quiz by Sam bankson

AHHHHHHH ZOMIES!!!!!!!!! this is what most people would say. do you have what it takes to survive a zombie attack? find out in this quiz. good luck!

this quiz will give you acurate results in under 10 minutes. the quiz is simple: either you survive or you dont. short and sweet. will you survive?

Created by: wolfman1
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. where are you and what are you doing when the desise spreads?
  2. you need a hiding place. you decide on:
  3. zomies can climb
  4. zombies only go for the brain
  5. the only way to kill a zombie is to burn it
  6. you can kill a zombie multiple ways
  7. zombies will eat anything
  8. all zombies cant run
  9. zombies are easy to kill
  10. there is no cure for zombie venom

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