About Randi Whaley

This quiz is about Randi Whaley. Why dont you see if you know me. tAKE MY quiz and see how high u will score.. ONly take if u know me. IF u wanna TRY then i guess u could guess!!!!!

take the quiz. do you know me? Take this quiz to figure it out,,, ur only a click away take the quiz take the quiz take the quiz take the quiz take the quiz take the quiz take the quiz take the quiz take the quiz take the quiz take the quiz

Created by: Randi
  1. My full name is?
  2. My birthday is?
  3. eyes color?
  4. I have left handed?
  5. My fear(s)?
  6. **MY BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE** just for fun :)
  7. favorite drink?
  8. do I like storms?
  9. My favorite sport to play?
  10. Fav sport to watch?
  11. how many piercings do I have?
  12. things in my past I reget
  13. have I ever been drunk
  14. mY DOGS name IS?
  15. what to i like to do in my spare time?
  16. a tricky one... how many times have I been in love?
  17. how many kids do I want?
  18. favorite food
  19. is this quiz over?

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