About Me...........

There are a lot of people in this world who claim to be friends but lets see who can really claim to be mine. Take this quiz and see how much you really know about good ole Joe.

So do you really know a lot about me or do you just claim to be my friend. I mean after all you do all work with me. I guess we will find out. Thanks and good luck.

Created by: Joe
  1. Whats my Favorite Dog?
  2. What is my favorite Video Game
  3. Whats my favorite Color?
  4. What is my favorite tea?
  5. Whats my favorite Harry Potter book?
  6. What is my favorite TV Show?
  7. What is my favorite Disney movie?
  8. What is my favorite fast-food restaurant?
  9. Who is my favorite woman singer/songwriter?
  10. What is my birthday?

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