
Are you a good reader most likley not thats what i thought. Dont even try its to hard for you. just give up......yes i have to write alot......what i have to have ugh asdg fsad fgsdg adsfas dffsda

what are you stupid ya you are. dont even try taking this quiz or you will die.I told you dont even try god this is stupid... im waiting for 150 charaters what this isnt giberish

Created by: hentos of this site
(your link here more info)
  1. Who is the leader of the flock?
  2. Whats Angel's special ability?
  3. Who got captured at the the beginning of the book?
  4. Whats the institute called?
  5. How did the flock get into the institute.
  6. Who did max kill?
  7. What did the flock learn from the hawks?
  8. Who is blind?
  9. Who has a voice in their head?
  10. Who talks nonstop?

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