a quizz all about me please take im intregued

this is a quizz all about me as i had had recent problems i now question how much i have let you know about me i hope all of the answers will have come up in conversation amongst my close freinds one person expecialy who should ace this quizz

this is off the scale well done lol i think you must have had the answers hehe cheater lol well i dont think anyone will get a score simalar to this one lol so i guess no 1 noes me that well

Created by: sarah

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is my favorit colour
  2. which seccondary school did i go to
  3. what is my dad called
  4. what is my favorite place
  5. who is my best freind
  6. who was my first love
  7. how long has my longest relationship lasted
  8. what do i study at college
  9. how many grandparents do i have (think about this one)
  10. what hurts me the most
  11. what is my favorit animal
  12. who is my idol
  13. what do i want most

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