A Quiz About Quizzes

This is a quiz about quizzes, and so much more! It not only explains how you respond to a quiz-taking opportunity, but also how well you interact with others! Deeper investigation also reveals any psychosis you may suffer from and can accurately predict when you last ate pickles.

Furthermore, if you're interested... and of course you are--- this quiz is designed to explain the meaning of life and to predict who you will return as when ou are reincarnated. If you take it all the way to the end, you will also receive a boatload of money in the mail in three days. If you pass this quiz along to 20 friends in the next ten minutes, you will meet the love of your life in the supermarket tomorrow. So why the hell not take it?

Created by: Brennan Martin
  1. Do you like quizzes?
  2. How many quizzes do you take a day?
  3. What type of quiz interests you the most?
  4. If quizzes were actually dogs, you'd own a:
  5. Compare your feelings about quizzes to a type of weather...
  6. Let's pretend this is a question...
  7. What motivates you to take quizzes?
  8. Imagine you and quiz were stuck on a deserted island... when would you take it?
  9. Your friend sends you a quiz designed to determine which Harry Potter character you are. You immediately:
  10. This is the last quiz question. That statement makes you feel...

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