A Draco Malfoy story

Blanks. V x x x x x x x x x. C. C C x x x. B v v. V. V. C. X x. B. B. N n n njgxhgdhgthhxhjvh

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Created by: Hamster
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're on the Hogwarts Express and you are sitting alone in a compartment. The door slides open. Draco walks in. "Hey, sorry ______. All the other compartments are full." you say:
  2. You come back from chainging into your robe. Malfoy is still there. You say:
  3. After a while you guys get off and go to your tables. After the ceremony, Draco blocks your path.
  4. He traps you and drags you out to the Lake. "I really love you, _____." how do you react?
  5. He responds... YA THAT'S RIGHT! CLIFFHANGER! Mwahahaha. Do youvinna this quiz so far. Be honest!
  6. Filler djebdjsbzkxbs
  7. Jdbs
  8. ...
  9. Z
  10. K

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