Their iz so many people n da world who believe they know soulja boy betta den meh and datsz a NO NO! NObody knosz souljaboy lyke mh BUT arab, jbar, hiz mamma, hiz daddi, and mr.calipark! dat would b it!

Well do u think u got wat it take ta prove meh wong then suck it up and take dis test!!!!GUD LUCK!!!! O YEA IF U GET STUCK ON A QUESTION JUST GUEST MOST LYKEL U WILL GE IT WRONG OR RIGHT WHO KNOSZ WATSZYA GRADEISZ GONNA LUK LKE BUT U!!!

Created by: Natoia

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Wat isz soulja boy's real name?
  2. How old isz soulja boy?
  3. Watsz isz mii favorite new songs he jus came out wit?
  4. When isz his birthday?
  5. what does SODMG stand for?
  6. who doesz he love the most?
  7. who gave him da okay on his hit single "CRANK DAT"
  8. HOW do i feel bout soulja boy?
  9. howu think u did?
  10. why do soulja boy love meh?

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