The quiz by Deeeno

You should really take this quiz see if you are worthy to call yourself a genius or are you as smart as a bag of hammers but you shouldn't be worried I made it easy.

Do you call yourself a genius? Do you think you smart? Is a dog smarter than you? If you wan't to find out try this quiz. If you like it great if you don't i'm not sure if you're a genius.

Created by: Deeno
  1. what is the type of dog that is white with black spots
  2. who is Selena Gomez
  3. where is holly wood
  4. do you like this quiz
  5. whats does 6 times 4=
  6. what do you sing with
  7. how do you spell chain
  8. how old do you have to be to be 9
  9. is a dog a dog or a girl
  10. what do you breathe in

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