(sarah) how much do u know meh (I'm Evelyn's little sis)

How much do u know me lots of ppl I didn't met in person might Wana know but it's hard if u don't know me so take this quiz to find out byeee....:-: lol

Do y know me take this test to find out how much u know me it's hard so take your best guess and I give u some pretty good clues in the answers do take the test pls

Created by: Evelyn123021

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How old am i
  2. Am I autistic
  3. Do I wear diapers and act like a "baby*
  4. Why do u think I wear em diaper
  5. What's my name
  6. Do i eat baby food???
  7. Hit or miss
  8. What's my fav color
  9. What state I live in?
  10. Bye

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