:D :D :D :D :D

i hate you, you hate me, we are great big enemies, with a nic nac, pattywack, give a dog a bone, B.I.N.G.O.O.O. I FEEL GOOD, AND I KNOW THAT I SHOULD YAA! OH I FEEL GOOD, SO GOOD, AND I KNOW THAT I SHOULD NOOOW!

i love you, you love me, we're a tiny family, with a nac nic, wackypat, give a cat some skin, O.O.O.G.N.I.B. I FEEL BAD, AND I KNOW THAT I SHOULDN'T NOO! OH I FEEL BAD, SO BAD, AND I KNOW THAT I SHOULDN'T LAAATER!

Created by: Barney
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what are you?
  2. how old are you?
  3. what pet do you have?
  4. where do you live?
  5. what is your favorite number?
  6. what website do you like to go on?
  7. i'm gonna say something and you say the first thing that pops into your head ok?
  8. flower
  9. kite
  10. giant
  11. brussel sprouts
  12. O_O
  13. gorilla
  14. its done

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