Are you good in bed?

There are thoose who say there good in bed and thoose who actually are so do my quiz to find out if your one of them.if you are e-mail me lol my quiz is really fun trust me do it and youll have fun i promise.

Are you if you turn out to be good read my parting words to find out a little fact im not giving it away yet though lol you gotta do the quiz to find out

Created by: Beck McCraken
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you have a lover?
  2. What do you like to do in bed (not sex) just when your going to sleep in the same bed as him/her?
  3. What positions do you like?
  4. How do you like to start?
  5. Do you like kinky s**t?
  6. Which suit?
  7. Where have you had it?
  8. Whats your drink?
  9. What do you sleep in?
  10. Do your partner/partners tell you your good at it?
  11. How hard?
  12. When?
  13. Do you still look at p**n even when in a reletionship?
  14. What turns you on?
  15. Are you in love?
  16. Good bye
  17. Am i a girl or a boy
  18. End of the quiz

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Quiz topic: am I good in bed?