80's rock lyrics

This is a quiz to see how much rock n roll you listen to. Man if you got what it take than your a rocker man im a true rocker i made this quiz so i know all the answers. You should make a quiz it is fun and easy

Are you a rocker. If your a true rocke than you got a 100%.You should make a quiz it is fun and easy You should make a quiz it is fun and easyYou should make a quiz it is fun and easyYou should make a quiz it is fun and easyYou should make a quiz it is fun and easyYou should make a quiz it is fun and easy

Created by: Jakup

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Finish the lyrics "I'm going off the rails on a crazy _____
  2. "Anotherone bites the____" By Queen
  3. "I Wanna _____" By Quiot Riot
  4. "Im all out of love im so lost with___" By Air Suplly
  5. ""I wanna rock and roll all_____ and party every____" By Kiss
  6. "Everbody says shes lookin good and the lady knows its understood ___"by Kiss
  7. "United United United We ____"By Judast Priest
  8. "Shes My ____pie" By Warrent
  9. "OhOhOhSweet Child Of______"By Guns And Roses
  10. "Look what the cat draged______"By Poison

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