7 Minutes (Includes Gay and Les, DIRTY)

7 Minuets in Heaven has been a game for a long time. Its fun to play and meet new people. If your a virgin and want to have $ex with someone for the first time, perfect!

This is what would happen to you in a 7 minuets! Hope you enjoy it! And happy $ex! If your straight... Happy humping!

Created by: arabluv
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you straight?
  2. Are you a Virgin
  3. How do you want to die?
  4. Do you want to have kids?
  5. Do you like having $ex
  6. How many times a week do you have it?
  7. How many times a day?
  8. How big is are your breasts?
  9. How big is your woo-woo?
  10. What is in your pocket right now?

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