7 minutes in heaven

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7 minutes in heaven what hot guy will you get?........................................................................................................

Yum. ........................................................................................................................................................................

Created by: charlotte of Just a thought
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're best friend calls you up, she says shes got a load of beer, music and guys round and she wants you to come over, you say...
  2. You get there and the first thing you do is..
  3. You're best friend says she wants to play 7 minutes in heaven and the boys start cheering. You check your make up and say, ok... You're best friend offers you the hat and you pick out number..
  4. Oh f--- it. You're best friends mom suddenly comes in, you all hide, you hide...
  5. Her mom leaves and everyone comes out. You have to repick numbers but you're friend says to use letters that mean numbers so no one knows whos who. You pick..
  6. You show you're best frieend and you walk in the closet playing with your...
  7. You hear everyone laughing outside... you think..
  8. how is this quiz so far? no effect on result.
  9. you hear footsteps coming to the cupboard you want it to be..
  10. So you've got...

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