17 minutes in heaven...or hell!!! | Comments

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  • 17 minutes in heaven...or hell!!!
    Your Result: two

    ooo..a football player!! anthony is really nice and really hot. he may have a history as a player, but you don't care. you hear him call out number two and you get excited. you have been crushing on him for years. here is your chance to make out with this hottie!! for a second you forgot about what just happened and your friends have to push you in to the closet since..yeah..youre in a daze. anthony then walks in and locks the door. he says "_____, I've liked you ever since I first saw you and I want you to be my girlfriend." you accept by giving him a kiss and he kisses you back. he starts ripping your shirt off and you're uncertain about it at first and then you like it!! you both fall on the ground and you are on top of him making out like crazy. times up..NOOO!!! but you guys keep going at it for a long time...

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  • 17 minutes in heaven...or hell!!!
    Your Result: four

    nathan the cute soccer player and he is your brother's best friend. When you ask who has number four, he jumps up and yells out YES!!! you are excited cause you really like him. in the closet he tells you that he has liked you ever since your brother introduced him to you. you are so happy because you like him too. he slowly leans in to kiss you then a whole buch of boxes fall on you guys and you start laughing. all of the sudden you guys start making out. when your friend tells you times up, you guysdont come out until she drags both of you out.

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  • 17 minutes in heaven...or hell!!!
    Your Result: four

    nathan the cute soccer player and he is your brother's best friend. When you ask who has number four, he jumps up and yells out YES!!! you are excited cause you really like him. in the closet he tells you that he has liked you ever since your brother introduced him to you. you are so happy because you like him too. he slowly leans in to kiss you then a whole buch of boxes fall on you guys and you start laughing. all of the sudden you guys start making out. when your friend tells you times up, you guysdont come out until she drags both of you out.

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  • of corse i got the perv y does that always happen i always get a perv or a nathan but i like the nathans better any way i did like the hot guy i landed on but he sounds like joey tribieonie (from friends the tv show)ant way tenstars

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  • that quiz was gay

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  • ???

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  • jonas lover hahahah how gay is that

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