zombie survival quiz

This quiz, unlike most Zombie Survival quizzes, has been thought out long and hard by someone who knows very much on the subject and is very into it.

Are you a survivor of the Zombie Apocalypse? If your not sure take this quiz to see the odds of your survival in an undead world. If you get a low score, I suggest training and coming back in a couple of years

Created by: Joshua

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First off, what area do you live in?
  2. What about your house?
  3. So, what do you do when you first find out that there is a zombie outbreak?
  4. What do you have available for bunt weapons?
  5. What do you have for blades (and know how to use properly and skillfully)?
  6. What do you have for guns (and know how to use properly)?
  7. What is the best means of transportation (that you know how to operate)?
  8. Can your home be fortified easily?
  9. What is the Ideal location to fortify?
  10. How much *NON PERISHABLE* food do you have in your house usually?
  11. And for beverages (do not include tap water)?
  12. How much weight can you lift?
  13. How agile are you?
  14. How fast and for how long can you run?
  15. Are you experienced in martial arts?
  16. Are you experienced in martial arts?
  17. What do you do if one of your loved ones gets bitten on the hand?
  18. Do you know how to make any explosives?
  19. How good are you at improvising?
  20. What do you do when you see a single zombie that hasn't saw you yet?
  21. How much do you usually eat?
  22. How many people will you most likely have with you?
  23. What is the most important skill to have during a zombie apocalypse?

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