Zombie Outbreak Survival

There are zombies lurking around all over the planet. Where do you go? Who do you stay with? What do you take with you in order to survive? This test will give you an overall percentage on how ready you are for a zombie apocalypse.

There are survivors, then there are survivors of zombie outbreaks. This test will separate the weak from the strong, the men from the boys, the informed from the uneducated. Which are you? This test will decide.

Created by: Jake Jarvis

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You here a broadcast on the radio about a recent zombie outbreak. The zombies have already infested your nearby area. What is your first step?
  2. If zombies were to invade your house right now, how many weapons, including knives, axes, crowbars, would you have on hand within one minute?
  3. If your friend was bitten by a zombie or had somehow contracted a zombie virus strain, what would you do?
  4. A zombie just bit you on the wrist. It has only been a few minutes. What is your best course of action?
  5. The first place you would try to raid in case of a zombie attack would be? (you're raiding, not barricading here)
  6. You have a choice to take one of the following with you, but only one, before you have to find the rest on your own. Which do you take?
  7. How often do you exercise or perform rigorous physical activities?
  8. Which, of the given choices, would you use as a weapon?
  9. Which, of the given choices, would you use as a weapon?
  10. Considering nutritional value versus weight and volume, which of these would be the best food to carry with you in a survival pack?
  11. Which, of the given choices, would you choose to drive in an emergency?
  12. How much training or experience do you have with guns
  13. Where would you set up a barricade out of the given choices?
  14. In what U.S. state or area would you set up a barricade?
  15. What is your body build, honestly?
  16. What is the worst place to be in a zombie raid out of the given choices?
  17. You have room in your car for one more passenger. Out of the choices given, who do take?
  18. You are in an abandoned building and a zombie is lurking outside. Do you:
  19. You are locked in your basement but the door is not barricaded. You have been awake for three days due to paranoia but are starting to feel the effects. Do you:
  20. It recently snowed and the ground is covered. You come across a blood trail in the middle of town but you can't tell where it goes. What do you do?
  21. Out of the people below, who would you have on your zombie killing team?
  22. Which of these is the most popular and recognizable symptom in the most strands of zombie viruses?
  23. You see a man in the distance, but it is dark outside and your not sure if he is a survivor or an zombie. Do you:

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