Your emoji life!

Hello! My name is Brielle and this is my Emoji Quiz. In this quiz, I will ask you a question and you will respond using emoji. I got the idea for this quiz when I noticed all the cute emoji that really need to be more used. :)

Does that sound good to you? Do you really want to get started and find out your amazing emoji life? Do you want to tell all your friends about this great quiz? Waste no time reading this description! Start NOW!

Created by: Brielle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you wear?
  2. What would you have for breakfast?
  3. How would you get to school?
  4. When the teacher asks a question, what do you do?
  5. What do you eat for lunch?
  6. What do you do during recess?
  7. After school, you practice something. What is it?
  8. What do you do at home?
  9. What do you eat for dinner?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: My emoji life!