Your chances to become a ghost after your d*ath

Inspired by a series I was watching. Please, do not take this test too serious. Who takes serious online tests about ghosts nowadays anyway? XD (You are?...)

And I ask you to DON'T take this quiz if a discussion about ghosts is harming your religious feelings. BUT, atctually, if you are already visiting this page, most likely, it doesn't harm you ^^

Created by: Axel1800
  1. How old are you?
  2. Do you have kids?
  3. Are you graduated?
  4. Have you returned all books to the library?
  5. Do you have grandkids?
  6. Are you in good relationships with your parents?
  7. Are you in good relationships witn your siblings?
  8. Did you ever spoil somebody's life?
  9. Are you expecting your order from Amazon/AliExpress etc.?
  10. Do you have cats?
  11. Do you have rats/frogs/owls as your pets?
  12. And the last question. Do you think you deserve to live?

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Quiz topic: My chances to become a ghost after my d*ath
