You think you know sports, but do you?

There are many smart people that think they know sport... are you one of them... well take this quiz to find out! Then you can show off you knowledge of the sports world to all of your friends and the whole world!

Do you think you know sport?? Take this quiz to find out! This quiz is really hard.. so if you pass you do must really know sports.. mabey you can STUMP THE SHWAB!!

Created by: Kevin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is currently the All-Time homerun leader?(2007)
  2. Who won super bowl XVII?
  3. What year(s) did Michael Jordan play Minor League Baseball?
  4. What team was Kobe bryant originally drafted to?
  5. What college team did Pro-Bowler Josh Cribbs Attends to?
  6. What NFL team does Heisman Winner Troy Smith play for?
  7. What college did Lebron James go to?
  8. What NBA player sells shoes for under $15?
  9. Who was the greatest coach in Massillon, Ohio football history?
  10. Do you change your mind on how well you know sports?

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Quiz topic: You think you know sports, but do I?