You are truly talented!

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This test is the real deal. Need to take it! Are you famous? Will you be? Is your name Brayden? Anyone can Take it good luck! May the Force be with you!

This test is the real deal. Need to take it! Are you POPULAR? Will you be? Is your name Brayden? Anyone can take it! Good luck! May the Force be with you!

Created by: #mnkylvr
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. For this test, if your name is Brayden you should click 'my name is Brayden' every question got it?
  2. Have you taken lessons to improve your talent?
  3. How is your day so far?
  4. If it were raining on you right now, what would you say?
  5. I am stalling
  6. My name is bob
  7. Did you write my name is Brayden for that question?
  8. How are you?
  9. Lemonade or Coke?
  10. Is this test rigged?
  11. Brayden are you participating???

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