Writers That NEED To Be Recognised Number 3 (: {Aria's}

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Hey guise! This is part three of Writers That NEED To Be Recognised. I hope you read it carefully and read the stories I have suggested. These writers deserve the best (:

If you have any writers that you think should be recognised or known, tell me please. I'd greatly appreciate it. Well gotoquizers, I hope you enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Aria

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  1. Hola. My name is Aria and today I'll be your host of Writers That NEED To Be Recognised. I hope you guys enjoy :)
  2. Firstly, I'll like to start with Ashl3y also known as AmazingAuthor. She made a Big Time Rush love story. You should check it out. She has arrived a long way with her series and just like any other author who strive for the best, she worked extremely hard. (:
  3. Now to KissmeI'mIrish! She has a story called "If You Follow A Rabbit." Yes, I know what you're thinking. Just like Alice in Wonderland. If you are of if you're aren't, that's good because I'm not going to tell you. I want you to read and find out for yourself because I know her series is quite interesting (:
  4. Well, thirdly it is: WTF_NINJA. She is my very dear pumpkin XD Yes, we act weird, I know but who cares right? She has this mind blowing and 1Derful series called "Crazy for you" and I think you all should read it. But before you do, get popcorn and coke. If you're in for fun, read this series. It's full of laughter and romance (: The main character is quite an actress too when it comes to getting out of trouble :) Trust me, you HAVE to read it.
  5. Bookworm123 has two series. One is a Doctor Who Love Story which has eight parts and the other is called Choose An Adventure. Both are very amazayn and phenominiall ^_^
  6. Now to Shying. She has one series and she has recently begun. Support her in her story because I assure you it's going to be full of twists =)
  7. Now to Icydesignns. She recently started Death's Aroma and I assure you, even though it started off like any other story, it isn't. It's mysterious and might have a LITTLE hint of horror. If you have watched Stranger With My Face, Death's Aroma is somewhat similar to it. And seeing that Stranger with my Face is completely awesome, Death's Aroma is too
  8. Missy Prissy Cat. =) I know that she has this WONDROUS series called 'Remember the future.' If you haven't read it, you're missing out on something big. Missy Prissy Cat's story should be on Today's Top Movers and I know all you gotoquizers can make that happen for her. I'm going to give you a little hint. There's a grandmother who can kick butt with a single frying pan and a caramel scented key. Remember the future is full of adventure and N.E.O.N. For those who read it, will get what I'm talking about and seeing that no one wants to be left out, go read it. This is her first series and she has come a long way with it. It has certainly caught everyone's attention and has everyone's eyes glued to the screen. If I was related to J.K. Rowling, I'd make sure Remember the future is noticed by her but unfortunately, I'm not so I can't make that happen but together, ALL GOTOQUIZERS can make it happen. Missy Prissy Cat deserves it.
  9. Now to GinnyGirl. She has two series. The newest one is Where The Grass is Greener...I think the title is interesting, don't you? Well, click her story and read it. You'll be wrapped up in it, I assure you. You'll feel as though you're actually in the situations the character faces. It's combined with magical creatures and gods (:
  10. I think I'd wrap it up there for the day because I'll be looking for more writers. If you have any writers that NEED to be discovered in mind, please do tell me in the comments. I'd appreciate it. Oh and WTF_NINJA and I are thinking of doing a mash up with Crazy for you and Noitect is Activated. What do you think? Do you think we should do it? If you do, or don't, please say in the comments. Also, this is the LAST chance you all have to send a message to Anne Cox through me. If you have ANYTHING at all to tell One Direction's Harry Styles, please do tell me. I'll pass on the message to them. Please don't ask for them to follow you because I've gotten too much requests for that. Oh and tomorrow is One Direction's 2nd Anniversary. Congrats to them. (: I'd like for everyone on gotoquiz to be strong, no matter what challenges they face because everyone here cares about them. We are famILY. ^_^

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