Write a letter to MoonWatcher

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This is…WRITE A LETTER TO MOONWATCHER!A fun quiz that forces you to write a letter to Moon herself, and get her reaction!Spam:yhygtfrdrbhmkmjhfdedrgyhumijygrr

Caution: If you’re toooooooo rude, you might want to consider killing your self before someone else does…I’m just kidding!Just please don’t be rude!I’VE BEEN THERE…

Created by: Mushroom weirdo
  1. Starting of with…
  2. Middle one…
  3. Middle two…
  4. Last middle…
  5. Ending…
  6. How it looks…
  7. How will you send it?
  8. Extra…
  9. Extra two…
  10. FATE
  11. Result

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