Write a letter to Liana (My BFF)

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Write an email to Liana. She is my BFF. Do you like her, like-like her, have an obsessive crush on her, hate her, or crush on her in a gross way that'll send you to jail?

Click the options that most fit what you want to say to her. Try to make your answers fit into a general tone. For example, if you click the 2nd option most of the time, try to keep doing that and then your results will be more accurate.

Created by: grimmchild

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pick a greeting
  2. Pick a line
  3. Pick another line
  4. What describes you best
  5. Pick a closing
  6. Pick a font style (and maybe a background color)
  7. Which result do you want
  8. Did you most often pick the first option
  9. Did you most often pick the second option
  10. Did you most often pick the third option
  11. Did you most often pick the fourth option
  12. Did you most often pick the fifth option
  13. Goodbye now

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