Would you survive the hunger games?

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Would you survive the hunger games is awesome

You should take it because Jacob is cool

Created by: Jacob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which one of these best describes you?
  2. If these items were in front of you which would you pick
  3. What would your tactic be?
  4. what would be your aim with allies?
  5. 3, 2, 1 let the hunger games begin what do you do
  6. Night comes and the dead people come up what do you do
  7. which district do you come from?
  8. Whats most important for survival
  9. You are extremely hungry and thirsty and a stream of browny water is next to you and some berries. what do you do
  10. You need shelter so where do you go?
  11. Do you think you will win the hunger games
  12. Did you like this quiz

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