Would you survive in the wild?

Surviving in the great outdoors can be very hard especially if you don't know what to do about food, water, shelter, injuries, and dangerous animals! You've really got to have what it takes if you want to stay alive!

Do you think you could stay alive? Do you think you have the ability to get it together and defeat the outdoors? In 12 simple questions you'll find out! [This quiz is just for fun! Don't take it seriously!]

Created by: Liv
When Will I Die Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Man, I'm starving! What should I do for food?
  2. AHHH! A snake just bit you! IS it poisonous? Snake: Whole body is light Green.
  3. Time to build a shelter. Not sure how long you might be here. Where do you build it?
  4. That was a good meal of: rabbit. Where should i store it?
  5. You've been stranded in the woods for about a week now. what do you do to find a way out?
  6. Another snakebite!?!? Ok, the coral snake is one of the most venomous, but the scarlet snake is harmless. Can you tell the difference? [hint: both snakes are red black and yellow and the colors are in stripes. there's a rhyme that goes with the
  7. True or False: Most snakes in the United snakes ARE venomous
  8. A mountain lion spotted you! What do you do?
  9. A crazy mountain guy is tracking you and he's got a gun. He lived in the mountains so long he went completely insane. How do you get away?
  10. Last question: Do you think you would have survived?

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