Would you survive a Terrorist attack?

"Terrorists have taken over the country. We are in grave danger." This is your story. What will you do? What role do you take? Are you selfish? Stupid? Will YOU survive??

You could survive. You could be killed. This tells what will happen on what path you decide to follow. You may even be dead before the last question. Good luck.

Created by: YoYopenquin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are watching the news. They say terrirists have invaded, so you...
  2. You go to a store with weapons. You can buy three things you buy...
  3. Your car breaks down. You run five miles down the road to find an abandond car dealership. You steal..
  4. A band of murderers on Harley Davis motorcycles are able to gain on you. You cant reach your weapon, so you...
  5. You get past the terrorists, and you know that they are hundreds of miles behind you. So you...
  6. Its early in the morning. Your on the road, and you see a helicopter. You...
  7. You stop at a store and you walk in, hoping for goods. But instead you see some kids/teens/adults that survived. You...
  8. You are with your new friends, and one of them spots some terrorists in the clearing. You...
  9. Finaly! You've reached the Hoover Dam, which is said to take care of survivors. But you see Some terrorists near. You...
  10. Three Years Later: The Terrorist attack is over! What Part did you Play??? (this seems like a stupid question)

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