Would you make the cheer squad?

This quiz will determine whether or not you will make the cheer squad. Based on belief, trust, spirit, and overall hope. Good luck!! And have fun guys.

This quiz is not meant to offend anyone i just made it because i was bored. I am a cheerleader, going on 3 years. This sport has my heart. (yes it is a sport the Olympic committee declared it one)

Created by: Karmilla Chapman
  1. Do you have spirit?
  2. Are you kind to everyone you can be?
  3. Are you loud?
  4. Do you smile a lot?
  5. Can boys and girls be cheerleaders?
  6. Are you brave?
  7. Are you ready to take risks?
  8. Will you trust your squad?
  9. Do you trust yourself
  10. Are you ready to start working, not only for yourself, but for the family cheer creates?

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