Would you date me? (Guys only)

Hey! Do you want to see if we are soul mates? Take this quiz and find out! This quiz was made for guys, but if your a girl, then I guess just take it for fun? haha

Nobody reads these anyways... why do we even have to write these.. anyways.. take the quiz and have fun! maybe we are soul mates! haha! Thanks and byeee

Created by: notanyonelolol

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you like girls with long brown hair?
  2. What color eyes do you like on a girl?
  3. How old are you?
  4. What is your "type?"
  5. Whats your personality?
  6. Do you wear hats?
  7. How many girls have you dated?
  8. What do you think is a sweet gift to get for a girl?
  9. This is me- average length brown hair, bright green eyes, 17 y/o, 5'8... would you date me? :)
  10. If you want, leave your kik in the comments:D

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