would you be a good medicine cat

all warrior fans might have once wondered if they had what it took to be a medicine cat, Well now you can find out in minutes, JUST TAKE THIS QUIZ to test your herb skills

SO FIND OUT TODAY AND SEE IF YOU REALLY ARE A GREAT MEDICINE CAT AND HAVE A GREAT TIME P.S. this is my first one so it might not be the best but its still good

Created by: warriorlover

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. a warrior with a aching leg comes to you... what would YOU do...
  2. a warrior with a hoarse voice comes to you, what do you do....
  3. a warrior with a rat bight... what do you do...
  4. a warrior was poisoned with a death berry...
  5. a elder with ticks comes ...
  6. the next five questions are loyalty questions... A warrior askes to be your mate you...
  7. Say you did become mates... you are going to have kits you...
  8. a warrior says that if you hurt the leader they will give you full respect
  9. it is time to get a apprentice you choose
  10. you are about to join starclan you...
  11. last question... Which would best describe you

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