Would you be a Cabin Counsellour? (PJO)

This quiz is based on PJO (Percy Jackson and the Olympians series). Have you ever wondered if you would make a good Cabin Counsellor and probably wield the powers of your demigod parent? Let's see what The Oracle has to say. Remember this is just for fun.

PJO (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) is a book series made by Rick Riordan. It's about a world like ours but not like ours. Demigods (Or half-bloods) are real and Percy Jackson is one of them.

Created by: KatKarker7
  1. Do you know who Percy Jackson is?
  2. How is your monster/ weapon training?
  3. Do you rely on people?
  4. Which physical attribute is your best? (Trust me this question is most important).
  5. Who is your godly parent/ Which is your cabin? (Minor gods included)
  6. Do you work well with others?
  7. What makes you Counsellor material?
  8. Which God (Besides your parent) do you idolise the most?
  9. Which book is your favourite?
  10. Finally which of these symptoms make you a half-blood

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