would i go out with you?

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if you want to know if ill date you come take this quiz!because im a pretty attractive girl and im single.come take the quiz before im taken!because i get taken pretty fast....

ARE You SINGLE ? looking for a 13 year old girlfriend?well then come take this quiz to find out if were ment to be or not.you never know when i might get taken or if were soul mates.

Created by: Emmalee
  1. do you play football?
  2. where would you take me on a date?
  3. what do you like in girls?
  4. how would you imagine our first kiss?
  5. do you live in USA keizer,Oregon?
  6. how old are you?
  7. what do you look like
  8. do you like tough but hot girls?
  9. do you have a part-time job?
  10. do like me?

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