Would I Date You? (Guys Only)

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Hello! You are takeing this quiz for fun or for real. The decession is yours. Just to let you know, in the very end it doesn't matter what result you get! This quiz also doesn't determine wheather I will date you or not!

That' all I really needed to say! If you want to get talk or know me better that just ask me to give you my email. I'm sorry if I can't replie back to you, my life has been pretty busy lately! Have fun takeing the quiz!

Created by: Wolfiey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color is your hair?
  2. What color are your eyes?
  3. How tall are you?
  4. Do you like music?
  5. Do you like to read?
  6. (Just wondering) What's your skin color?
  7. Do you smoke or do drugs?
  8. Do you do any sports?
  9. Do you have a religion? (This DOESN'T effect your answer!)
  10. What's your average in school?

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