Would I Date You? (girls Only)

I'm bored out of my mind! Sooo, I made this lil quiz. Lets see if I would date you! Not sure what I'll ask and if this'll be a decent quiz, but EHHH, idc, I'm bored.

Seriously y u want me type so much? I have nothing else to say. Oh well, at least typing my thoughts is building up a paragraph. Oh, you're reading this? Oh, heh, sorry, didn't see you there.

Created by: QuizKat3

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Out of these, what do you have most interest in?
  2. Are you supportive of the LGBT+ community?
  3. Preferred genre (shows/movies/books)
  4. Do you have a "dark side"
  5. What the f---...
  6. Do you like kid shows or Disney movies?
  7. What is love?
  8. Would you be there when I'm sad?
  9. Are you older than 16?
  10. What is your skin color? (little effect, we all have tastes and preferences in attraction)
  11. How are you? (no effect)
  12. Are you innocent? (you don't like inappropriate topics)
  13. Do you like cartoons?

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