Would I Date You? (For Guys Only)

Hi there. I am 15 years old, single, and looking for someone to spend some time with. Not someone who can't take me for who I am, but someone who can see through my outside appearance.

Are YOU the one for me?? Take this quiz and find out. I am an average girl looking for someone to love. And I am basically rambling on right now because of something. Oh well.

Created by: AralynTheFallen

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your appearance?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Would you ever cheat on me?
  4. I like to sing. What's your talent?
  5. Would you make fun of me and my dreams?
  6. Where would you take me for a date?
  7. You watch any cool shows? Which one?
  8. Would you try to have sex with me, even if I don't feel comfortable?
  9. Would you be there for me when I'm sick?
  10. I don't like horror movies. Is that okay?
  11. Will you be romantic?
  12. Okay. All done here.
  13. Jk. Do you care about my beauty? (Be COMPLETELY HONEST)

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