WOULD I DATE YOU (boys only)

HARRO. So I made this partly because I'm bored. And partly because I'm curious to see if there's someone out there for me. And also someone out there for you too

Do you think you could actually be my perfect match? Like seriously? I mean I do have a current crush but maybe you suit me even better. Comment your full email if you get 85% or more

Created by: Zoefaustino

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Okay, so, what's your nationality?
  2. Just so you know, I'm from the Philippines
  3. Do you have long or short hair
  4. Are you a good boy or bad boy
  5. Do you like someone who's younger older or the same age as you?
  6. Would you cheat?
  7. Do you want kids?
  8. Are you funny?
  9. Where would you take me on our first date?
  10. Which of these are you?
  11. Again, how old are you
  12. Which one out of these would you do for me
  13. Are your parents strict
  14. What kind of girl do you like
  15. Lastly, if someone offered you a million dollars for you to break up with me would you take it

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