Would I date you?

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Well I am Batman, and this quiz for for who I guess I would date? Yeah I think it is. At least I hope so. And I am not judging on looks or anything. But if you looked good...BONUS!

Well I am Batman,FOR GUYS ONLY and this quiz for for who I guess I would date? Yeah I think it is. At least I hope so. And I am not judging on looks or anything. But if you looked good...BONUS!

Created by: amazon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you rather do?
  2. How would you describe your personality? Hmmmm.....hmmmmm
  3. If you were at a party, what would you do?
  4. What would you say is the perfect date?
  5. How would you ask someone out?
  6. What is your NATURAL hair color?
  7. What color are your eyes?
  8. What is the best feature you have?
  9. What matters most when finding someone to date?
  10. This question doesn't go towards your results. If you killed someone how would you dispose of the body?

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